Okay, the Dragon is probably not exactly your style. But admit it --
you like it nonetheless. After all, you'd fly if you could. In Chinese
astrology, the Dragon rules the Eastern sky, while the Tiger rules the
Western. You're almost bosom buddies. Not only that, it's a Water year,
and that's your most favorable element. Luck is with you! And, nine
favorable months should give you a ton of great opportunities. As long
as you don't get carried away by every wild scheme the Dragon cooks up,
you should do well. Anything to do with communication, networking or
travel could lead to your heart's desire. This is a year during which
you'll want to be active. Make a commitment. Begin new projects. Be
bold. Take chances. It's time to live your dreams!
One thing is almost certain: work should be much more exciting than
last year. The Rabbit moves much more slowly than you're accustomed to,
so you're ready for some action throughout this Dragon year! Your work
life could take off if you ride this high energy while still being
careful where you step. Impulsiveness could get the best of you this
year, but it could also work to your advantage. It's a time to shine and
be a leader, but don't try to overpower everyone or assume you know
best. Make career moves in your lucky months and be a team player in
your unlucky ones. Merge your talents and try to make friends with the
enemy -- it could lead to a lucky partnership or business deal.
Passion and lust should be abundant for you this year! In fact, your
love life will get the boost it needs, whether you're planning a wedding
or just looking for some kind of commitment. Impulsive love affairs may
not last if you're single (the Dragon can't always finish what it
starts), but they could turn out to be sizzling hot! Changes on the
relationship front are likely, but what those look like exactly will be
personal to you. Since the Dragon is a karmic sign, fate may step in and
shake things up. Regardless, your love life should be busy, inspiring
and full of epic moments. Are you ready?
Your presence is in high demand this year, but don't let that derail
you from your personal needs -- especially when it comes to your health.
It's a good time to consider what you want to change in order to
develop more positive exercise and nutrition habits. Don't let the
adventurous spirit of a Dragon year throw you off balance from your
central core. In other words, stay in touch with your inner world and
lead yourself through your intuition and keen senses. You'll need a
strong and healthy body-mind connection to be at your best in all areas
of life.
If you were conservative in the year of the Rabbit, you might feel
like it's time to spend in the year of the Dragon. However, this isn't
necessarily the case, so try to hold off on buying that time-share
vacation property in the Caribbean or a new luxury vehicle. Instead,
exercise caution and make sure you read all the fine print before
committing to something you may later regret. Don't be lax about who you
trust or where you put your money. And can you fight your inner
impulsiveness? If so, you could actually get ahead this year -- although
it will require extra effort on your part.