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year of the " RAT "

Wow. The Water Dragon is so good for you, it even makes the Horse month favorable! And, yes, this could be one of your best years. There are probably only two ways you can mess it up: Sit it out and accomplish nothing memorable, or try to outdo the outlandish Dragon. Sure, this is a great time to take risks, but come on! You know the Dragon may be lucky, but it also crashes and burns more than most signs. Know you can walk away from the table a winner -- and this year, that applies to just about every area of your life. Anything to do with communication, networking or travel could lead you to your heart's desire. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Fly with the Dragon and make your dreams come true!


Yes, things might have slowed down last year in your job. The Rabbit is all about being careful -- but not so this year! This could be the time you make humongous leaps and bounds when it comes to work. Those dreams can finally be realized, and no one can stop you. The Dragon thinks big. However, big risks can sometimes bring big failures, so make sure you know what you're doing before throwing caution to the wind. Use triple Water days to negotiate a raise or handle important business. Your enterprising tendencies are favored, so express your ideas and suggest changes at work. Be an innovator. Refresh your skills. Take some training courses in your field. Then, prepare to shoot up the ladder of success!


Was your love life a little bland last year? Expect romance to blossom and relationships to thrive now. The Dragon is in your animal-compatibility group, and this means that your love life should get a big boost -- surely you've been waiting for it! Now is the time for passion and action. Dive in head-first and move things to the next level. Water lends lovers better communication skills this year, which means long-standing problems can be resolved -- all the better to prepare you for tougher stuff ahead. Emotions will run high, and adventure will probably be the name of the game. The Dragon favors celebrations of all kinds, including marriage. Is now the time to take that leap? Give boredom the boot, spice things up and take some risks!


The Rabbit year probably tempted you to stay indoors and indulge some of your couch-potato tendencies. Well, get up and get moving already! It's pretty likely you'll have the energy for it since every single month is predicted to be favorable for you. Your health should be strong this year, but be careful about wearing yourself out or trying to prove something at the expense of your well-being. Make time for rest. Since life will move quickly, make plans early on to fit an exercise routine and nutritious meals in with all that traveling, gallivanting and networking. It's looking like a great year to try extreme sports such as mountain climbing or surfing. Channel your high energy into getting into peak shape. Remember, a healthy body means clarity and focus for achieving your goals!


Another reason to be jealous of you this year, Rat! Probably no other sign will fare as well as you will with money. Last year you likely put all your pawns in place, and this year you'll knock out your opponents' royalty pieces, one by one. Finally, you should have the money to live the life you've been dreaming of! You've been nurturing an orchard of ideas for several years, and now it's ready to produce big, luscious fruit. Be careful not to celebrate too lavishly, though, for if you're typical of your sign, you probably enjoy spending money as much as making it. Consider all offers before making big purchases -- you can probably afford to be picky.

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