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Peace and tranquillity are predicted for you this year. Much of your efforts and projects that have been put in the back-burner shall come to the fore-ground this year. Take ample time to prune unwanted persons, things and ideas from your life this year. The pace of your life might slacken a bit but do not lose hope. Slow and steady always wins the race. This year is likely to give you more freedom, particularly in relationships and career areas.

Your energy levels would wax and wane throughout the year. Emotions and sensitivity might run high for most of the period. Do try to keep your anger under wraps as venting it out might land you in serious problems. Keep communications to a medium level keeping out unwarranted calls as trouble might lurk around.


Your career field remains uneventful for most part of the year but for the last quarter. You shall learn to evolve from your mistakes. A change in career course or some chances for higher education or research is also on the anvil. Artists are likely to get a beating rather than encouragement this year. You stand to get better in your relationship with authorities and peers in your work-place.


Find out the ways that would lead you into a state of financial security this year. The planets forecast you some luck and fortune in the financial area but do not expect a windfall. This is the apt time to make a change in your business ventures or services field. Better cash flow is predicted throughout the year, though occasional crunches canoe be ruled out. Be ready to show case your talents if it might fetch you better financial returns. Profits are likely if you pitch in hard work and practise humility to all extent.


Your love life shall see a more calm and peaceful phase after the turbulent periods of last year. Forget the past and live in the present. It has a lot to offer in your love and relationship arena. Channel your feelings and romance in the best possible way. Intense passion is predicted for the last half of the year as far as your relationships are concerned. Exchange your views and likes with  clarity with your partner if already in a relationship. Open up as this year offers much positive scope. Give way for your desires as well and do not always yield to the whims and fancies of your partner. Do not act in haste as this year is a period which calls for much introspection as far as relationships are concerned.


Health is likely to go on a roller -coaster ride, at the peak in one time and touching the bottom of the rock the other instant. Your emotional and mental make-up has a lot to play in this time. The first quarter of the year shall see you in the pink of health. But the last quarter might call in for unwanted medical issues and expenditure. Do not push yourself too much into personal and professional work and take time to take a break which goes a long way in wishing you better health.

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